Adaptation and Reinvention in Action…

In numerous previous newsletters we have shone the spotlight on the critical issues of Personal and Organisational Resilience.
“The capacity of a system, enterprise or person to maintain its core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances.”

With this in mind Synergy gave itself a great 24th birthday present and early Xmas present . It has reinvented itself… yet again. As a result we have a new brand and image and, an extended and updated range of services and programs to offer you… all built on 20+ years of practical experience.

Our core purpose has not changed significantly. We are still passionate about helping to create and maintain SUSTAINABLE HIGH PERFOMANCE. We are still helping you to tune and improve existing systems and processes and, more specifically, to develop the conversations, relationships and habits that underpin performance.

Our core values have not changed but they have been explored so that we are expressing them in ways that fit the current market demands and your needs. Being REAL is still very important to us!

To better understand the new Synergy check out our new website.
We would love your feedback!
