Take your leadership team on an adventure into the future.                               

This one day away will involve your team exploring the 6C’s of Sustainable High Performance with the help of a senior Synergy facilitator, at one of Synergy’s preferred ‘Learning Laboratories’.
Between each critical conversation your leadership team will encounter a challenge that will test their ability to work as a team and, set the scene for the next conversation. It is a powerful way to get people out of their heads… into their bodies and into the real world of effective working relationships.
This highly experiential workshop format can be extended to an overnight or 2 day format as needed. Give us a call if you are looking to create a breakthrough with your leadership team.



Want to know how well the 6Cs are in play in your world? Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION and Snapshot SHP Survey & Report. This simple report will help you to clarify where your leadership energy and effort needs to go in 2015.